Tag: Promo

February 1, 2021 /

Battled stuttering, stammering, and a lisp. Fell into broadcasting at age 17 after going through speech therapy as a tween. Working in broadcasting since 1994, first paid VO gig in 1996. Mel has been a writer, producer, production director, and coach for radio, television and voice over. Currently a working voice over talent and the host of the AnyVoices Podcast at AnyVoices.com and voice overs at TheRealVoice.com

January 26, 2021 /

Dee started in radio many years ago, learning his VO and engineering chops.  He has over 20 years of experience recording & producing for local businesses as well as large corporations and has hundreds of clients in over 50 countries doing commercial, animation, games, eLearning, narration, and just about anything else clients need, including advanced editing.  

In this episode, we talk music, nerd out on equipment, and get into the nitty gritty of VO.